Chapel Services

Fisk Memorial Chapel Services

The ecumenical, University Worship Service occurs on a weekly basis at 9:30am. The Christian, liturgical calendar, which includes special dates and seasons such as Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost, is also observed throughout the year.  Litanies from sources such as the African-American Heritage Hymnal are read on Sunday morning, and speakers such as Bishop Vashti McKenzie, President Robert Michael Franklin, the Reverend Dr. Calvin Butts and the Reverend Dr. Cheryl Townsend-Gilkes speak throughout the academic year. Students often lead these ecumenical worship services and, citizens from the city of Nashville often join us on a weekly basis.  The goal of these services is to strengthen the bonds of fellowship which exists in the University community as well as to determine how the love of God can and should be expressed in a University environment. If you are a resident of Nashville, or simply visiting the city, we invite and encourage you to worship with us.

Members of the Fisk Family meet once a week to engage in intercessory prayer about the challenges that affect the human family throughout our local, national and international community. Members of the "Prayer Circle," which is reflective of the interconnection and interdependence our human family, meet at 8:00pm on Thursday evenings throughout the academic year. Denominations such as the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the BaptistChurch are represented in this ecumenical group. Individuals within and outside of the University community are welcome and encouraged to attend this Prayer Service.

Matthew 26-28 states: "And when they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take eat; this is my body.  And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." In obedience to the commandments of Jesus the Christ, the Fisk Memorial Chapel hosts Communion Services every, first Sunday throughout the academic year. All are welcome and encourage to attend!

The Fisk Memorial Chapel is available for weddings for members of the Fisk Family as well as citizens throughout the city of Nashville, Tennessee.

Please contact Dean Curry to discuss the logistics of scheduling your wedding service at the Chapel.

The Fisk Memorial Chapel is available for memorial services throughout the calendar year.

Please contact Dean Curry to discuss the logistics of scheduling a memorial service at the Chapel.

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